Food for thought

I saw this on another blog.  It was about people pleasing, which I've mentioned on here before.

I need to mull it over a bit, but I think there's a lot of truth here:

"It's part of my DNA to love others and not disappoint them. But I have to realize real love is honest. Real love cares enough about other people to say no when saying yes would build up a barrier in the relationship. Real love pursues authenticity rather than chasing acceptance."

apparently by Lysa TurKeurst


now that's loaded. Thanks for sharing - something I need to take to heart...
T and M said…
So was this on Lisa Teurkhurst' blog or Prov 31? I'd love to read the whole article. "To be, rather than appear to be", eh?
smw said…
i got it from another blog, but apparently it was from proverbs 31.
Christen Leigh said…
Good thoughts. Something I can constantly be praying about and working on.....

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