The video


Nichole said…
Not only is she walking, she is walking fast! The baby is a toddler! :)
Jacki said…
Awwwwww:-) thanks!!!!!!!

Soooo cute and fun to see :-)

(can you think of any more words i can draw out long?)
Daish said…
Shar, this is adorable. I just want to sqeeze her.
Christen Leigh said…
moooooooooooooooom. yooooouuuu caaaaannnnnnnn draaaaggg out many words. it is fuuuuuuun.

Ok but for reals..... i like that little gal a lot. and no i am not biased. at all.
Wee said…
Just so cute!! After Daish is done squeezing her, can I?

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