Traverse, A Yearly Tradition

We spent Labor Day weekend in Traverse City again. It's becoming a yearly tradition. The weather was really warm Friday, and week whole week before, I believe, but very chilly once we arrived. :) It was still so relaxing, and the kids even got daring enough to put on their swimming suits, though I'm not sure even their childish love of all temperatures of water held up for long.

On Sunday we always take the kids to a park right beside the bay of Lake Michigan.

They found this dead fish. Faye, ever curious, touched it.
Later Jaret took the kids fishing in the lake near the trailer. Faye was supposed to be napping with me, but I finally gave up on that and we joined them. A weekend of great family memories.

I have no idea where this picture is from; it has nothing to do with our trip to Traverse, but it was so stinkin' cute I had to post it. :)


Wee said…
Aren't family get-aways wonderful! I love the picture of Faye walking on the looks like a postcard.
T and M said…
great pics shar ( : that looks absolutely wonderful.
Christen Leigh said…
Woah! I feel like Faye's hair looks really light. Maybe it IS really light, and I just never realized.....hmmmmm. A mystery!
Jacki said…
very cute! (all the posts)--and i especially love the one of Faye on the beach too!

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