The Last Two Christmases
Because of a new lens and a new 'bloggie' video camera that we got, Jaret took all the pictures for our last two Christmases. As you can see in many of them, he's got a real eye. (Probably at least half of the other good pictures you see on here are his, too.) But also due to the fact that he had a new video camera, here is the only actual picture that we have of our little family Christmas.
Our Wieland Christmas was on Christmas Day. We went to our Christmas Eve service at church and had originally thought we'd spend the night at mom and dad's afterward. But since we'd had a lot of late nights and tons going on, we had decided against it. Dad, however, came up to us after the service and said that sometime we'll have to come spend Christmas Eve because it would be so cozy to all be there. He looked so sad that we decided to go anyway.
Brett was home, so Jaret stayed up until the wee hours of the night chatting away with him in the hot tub. We relaxed in the morning, and had Christmas supper in the late afternoon.
The Fessendens
On a funny note, between supper and gift opening, a lady who is basically alone in the world stopped in. She is on the larger side and was wearing a Santa hat. She sat down at the table, where a lot of the family were, including Faye. I was helping with the dishes, but I came over to check on Faye and her progress eating her dessert, and she said to me, "You're here (pointing to me), and you're here (pointing to someone else around the table), and you're here-pointing again and repeating several more times-until she came to the lady who had stopped by. She pointed at her and said in a thrilled little voice and said, "And Santa Claus!!"
And so wraps up another Christmas season. Jaret was sad, and I felt bad for him, but I have to say I'm kind of glad and looking forward to a few months at a lower key pace. (hopefully) :)