
Today I went to a baby shower for a friend of mine. I really didn't know her family at all, and it ended up being such an awesome time. I wish that I had had the foresight to bring my camera along to give you some visuals, but alas, I did not.

To start off with, the house is back off a pretty busy road, but feels secluded because it is in the middle of about 11 acres of woods. It's a lovely little spot-similar to the kind of plot that I'd like to end up on someday. Near things, but surrounded by nature.

Upon walking inside, I quickly felt relaxed and at home. The couple who lives there is approaching their 80's, and so most of the furniture is old, but many of the pieces had a simple tastefulness to them. The floors were hardwood, and the living room was covered in a huge oriental rug. There were various pieces of artwork on the walls. All somewhat open and light, and there were small sculptures on the mantle and end table. Many of them were pottery.

The house had lots of windows. Most were long rectangles that came closer to the floor than what is standard. There were plants hanging in front of most of them and scattered here and there around the rooms. Everything came together to give the place the feeling that the outdoors and in the indoors weren't that separate.

The hostess, Daphne, and her daughter told us that they decided to have an English tea. It was very simple; small triangular egg salad and cucumber sandwiches, tea with milk and sugar, lemon cake and cookies. None of it was pretentious or fancy. All homemade. And homey looking.

Daphne, as it turned out, was born in England and lived there until she was 40. About that time she went back to college and took pottery classes. She has a room in her basement devoted to pottery, and she served us on white plates with yellow and green detailing that she had made.

I won the guessing game of how big around my friend was. Daphne's daughter said that they should have gotten a prize for the winner, and Daphne said she'd go find something. So down she went into her basement and came up with one of her ceramic pieces to give to me. She also brought up some children's tea sets that she sells, and I promptly bought one for the kids.

She discussed plants that she had in England. How they had a border of lavender by their front fence. She used to put it in her linen closet in sachets. She still enjoys growing plants, and her house is a testimony to it.

So why did all this inspire me? Because it was like a glimpse into the life that I would like to lead. My heart is at home. I'm not the type of stay at home mom that goes all the time. I'm relational. I like to take things slower so I can really enjoy those around me and savor whatever activities I do involve myself in.

I want my home to be a relaxing, inviting, artistic place. Yet I always feel it has to be put together or done to some point of perfection. Today was a living example for me. How things don't need to look like a magazine to have an artistic flare. How a simple English tea can have just as much charm and coziness as one that would take me 6 hours to create. What to look for and do in a home, someday, to bring the outside in.

It was one of the best afternoons I've spent in a long time. I came home more inspired and filled with life than I've felt in ages. I'd like to be a person who creates the same kind of inspiration for others someday. And as a busy mom, it's comforting to know that she's still doing it at 80; so my chance hasn't passed me by!


Wee said…
No, Shar, your chance hasn't passed. In fact, in my opinion, you are currently living the way that you describe you wish to live someday. You truly are an inspiration to me, and I am sure many others! I love your outlook of being a relational, stay-at-home mom. Maybe that's why I like you so much. Keep on being you!

So glad you had an inspiring day, and thanks for sharing about it. We need those kind of days every so often!

aklopfen said…
Thanks for sharing! I could imagine myself being there! I love those kind of homes and hosts.
Christen Leigh said…
Aww sounds fun! Was that Carolyn's shower? I am sad to have missed it. Your dream seems quite reachable, if you ask me. You seem to have the personality and flair for the feel/atmosphere you are going for. :)

Love ya! Hope you're having a great day!
Daish said…
Shar have I told you that I think you're great with words. I have thought about that afternoon quite often since too. It really hit me to read that she was 40 and is still doing what she is at 80. That fills me with such hope. When you said you like to take things slower so you can really enjoy those around you and savor the things you do involve yourself in...that is how I am. That's what I want. I think that's why I'm so slow to add things if I am desiring something more...
Jane said…
Oh Shar, I love you so much! I haven't talked to you since the lice incident, but I want you to know how much I have been praying for you to have a such a day as this to rest and be glad in. Did you see the link on my blog to Tyler's, so you can follow his adventure yourself? It all happened pretty fast, even though he had been thinking about it for several weeks.

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