
Last fall my parents sweetly offered us a week in their timeshare that needed to be used by January/February of this year. So we planned a vacation to Orlando. The unit and amenities turned out to be quite a blessing to us, as you will see as you peruse the journal of sickness below; which, as the title suggests, is what rather defined our little excursion.

Early Saturday A.M.: I woke early in the morning before we were supposed to leave with pain in my ear. I called the on call doctor, but he basically said there was nothing to do. We flew down anyway, and despite some painful moments in descent on the two legs of our flight and being very plugged up in my ears after the flights, it wasn't awful.

Sunday: I awoke just not doing well, and Pierce wasn't great, either. So we called a doctor to come check us out, in hopes that if we had something worthy of antibiotics, we could get it over with in the first few days of vacation and have fun the rest of the time. It turned out that both Pierce and I had double ear infections. Jaret hung out for quite some time in Walgreens. By mid-afternoon, we had antibiotics and high hopes of feeling better in a day or two and enjoying the rest of the vacation.

Monday: Faye had been fighting pink eye since before we left on our trip, and by Monday Avi had gotten it. Jaret went to Walgreens to look for over the counter pink eye remedies.

Tuesday: Still waiting to feel better. Jaret gets pink eye. (He had sinus congestion the whole trip, as well. Not debilatating, thank the Lord, because I wasn't capable of much. But he never felt great himself, poor guy.) Jaret makes multiple trips to Walgreens for sinus and pink eye and ear remedies.

Wednesday: I am still dizzy from the pressure in my ears, can't hear right, and since I'm dizzy, can't be up and about much. Faye starts coming down with the same symptoms Pierce had. We call our home doctor and ask him to call a prescription in for her, really hoping that we can do something fun Thursday or Friday. Jaret-back to Walgreens to get the script, which took hours this time.

Thursday: I'm still doing bad, so we have the doctor come back. He puts me on a stronger antibiotic, but says Pierce has improved. Faye was so exhausted from sickness that she falls asleep for the night at 4 in the afternoon and slept through until 7 Friday morning. Jaret once again visited Walgreens to get a perscription.

Friday: I am able to be up if we go slowly, so we spent a couple of hours at Downtown Disney. No Disney World this trip.

Since we were too sick to do anything churchy on Sunday, Jaret had us do a little lesson on thankfulness on Monday, since were struggling to feel happy about being sick on vacation. The whole week we got to put it into practice.

Truly, we were thankful that these are minor sicknesses in the scheme of things, that we were in warm weather where people could be outside when they were healthy. That our condo was so nice, and that there was a playground right behind it for the kids to play at and pools nearby for Jaret to take them to. There were doctors and medicine and money for both. We managed a few walks, and a couple of meals out throughout the week.

When it became apparent that we were going to be stuck at the condo more than we had anticipated, we went to Walmart and bought some toys and sidewalk chalk, etc. to mix it up with the TV watching. :) These pictures are all mixed up, but I'm feeling too lazy to put them in order.

In our stint as parents, we have had several vacations that included quite a bit of sickness, but this was harder since one of the adults was down for the count, too. Jaret determined after this last trip that from now on we'll be choosing our vacation spots by the quality of the Walgreens nearby, since that is where he ends up spending 25% of his vacation time. :)


Jacki said…
This is sort of horrible and hilarious all in one!! At first i was trying to figure out what "sication" meant, but soon remembered. Leave it to Jaret to think of finding the best Walgreens :-).

The Thankfulness part is true, too, because no matter what, we are richly blessed. Love you and thanks for the funny post!
ethiopia said…
Last year I got strep throat in Florida and ended up in the ER. I thought I was going to die...maybe it's just Florida.

Sarah S.
smw said…
Mom , I had to laugh as I was writing and remembering his thrilled comments about Walgreens. :)

Sarah, I know I shouldn't have, but your comment made me crack up. I'm glad you didn't die. :)
Rebekah said…
Shar! This makes me so sad that you had such a rough time in Florida when I know you were looking so forward to it! Hopefully, you will have better time next time...I guess though, sometimes the worst vacations are the funniest stories later on!
smw said…
rebekah, i was telling rach how our week was going about 1/2 way through and she started chuckling in disbelief. it made me laugh too at how ridiculous it was. :)
emilykate said…
Oh this sounds awful! Maybe someday you can Jaret can have a fun getaway. Sounds like you might need one soon. :)
smw said…
em, i HAVE been feeling like we need to get away, and i'm happy to report that my mom has sweetly agreed to watch the kids soon so that we can. i can't wait. now i need to pray that we are all healthy...

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