Beginning Again

After my desperate plea for inspiration to try again, I am happy to report that today is the first day of my new approach. I'm going to work at reinforcing simple, good habits:

  1. excercise 5 days a week, a minimum of 5 minutes per day
  2. no more than 2 sweets per day
  3. sit at the table to eat every bite

The exceptions to the rules (because I ALWAYS have exceptions):

  1. not if i'm sick or run down
  2. except on Sundays
  3. samples in the grocery store

For extra motivation, I'm going to have to report on here any and every time I break a rule. If it ends up being a frequent thing, I may add something like paying the first person who comments every so often or something. But as of now, I don't plan to clutter this blog up with boring posts like : "Hey, not sticking to it again." :)

Thanks for all the ideas and thoughts you all shared.


emilykate said…
Nothing like a weight post to get a boatload of discussion from women, huh? :) Good luck!
megs @ whadusay said…
Go Shar Go!!! I need to join you on the two sweets a day thing!!
L, Ann and boys said…
Wish you the best, sweets would be my downfall for sure. =) In general I just have to keep them out of the house...and go out for ice cream. ;)

J Gutwein said…
Just a little note.. if you are just starting to feel sick then exercise actually decreases a full-blown cold, etc.. I should be the one to explain how this works, but honestly An is much better at that stuff ;)...
Best wishes!
Ps: not sure if this works for things other than a cold.. I kind of like pain and hope that it does so I always give it a go.. haha.
smw said…
i've heard that same thing about exercise preventing full blown colds, etc. at this point in my life i am so run down, though, that i can tell when it's draining energy from me that i'm needing just to stay on top of sickness.
heidi said…
Shar, I have been working on my weight for 3 weeks now...and am down 4 pounds...and I have to say it was those first 4 that was so hard, but now I am realizing I can do this...those first few are so hard! I am just hoping the next few aren't as bad. haha.

You can call me if you need a peptalk...we could give each other a pep talk. :)
smw said…
heidi, this is so sweet. i really may be in touch to commiserate. it's comforting to hear it's getting easier. it's been two years since i was on this path and confident that i could do what i was doing and that i would continue indefinitely. then i got pregnant and all normalcy left again. :) :( it's like starting over after every kid for me.

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